
On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF) program funding supports professional training related to adoption and implementation of beneficial management practices (BMPs) for nitrogen management, cover cropping, and rotational grazing.

Training for farmers includes field and farm demonstration days, workshops, peer to peer events, and access to learning resources.

Training for agronomists and certified crop advisers includes workshops, field days, and access to learning resources.

Learning Material

Looking to complete your educational credit for your On-Farm Climate Action Fund project? We have several options available! View the list below to see what is available for your Beneficial Management Practice (BMP). Select one, review the resource and complete the corresponding quiz.

Please note: Complete one educational credit for each BMP category where you have an approved project. For example you are approved for a fencing project and adding legumes to a pasture – these are both rotational grazing projects, therefore choose one educational credit from that category.   You are also approved for a nutrient management plan – this is a nitrogen management project, therefore also choose one educational credit from that category.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

Choose from one of the below categories to access all of our resources and quizzes!

Nitrogen Management BMP
Cover Cropping BMP
Rotational Grazing BMP

Certified Crop Advisor Exam Bursary

As part of On-Farm Climate Action Fund offerings for agrologists residing in Nova Scotia, Perennia Food and Agriculture is pleased to offer a bursary to take the Certified Crop Advisor exam.

Learn more about the opportunity and fill out the bursary application!

Course and Conference Bursary

As part of On-Farm Climate Action Fund offerings, agrologists residing in Nova Scotia are eligible to receive support for the purpose of attending a conference or course.

Learn more about the opportunity and fill out the bursary application!